Register Today: The 2017 Whole Community Summit on Nov 16th

2017 PSIP VOAD SUMMIT Banner 091817v2.jpg 


4 Reasons To Attend​

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Piecing It Together: 

Building Resilience Through ​Partnerships​​


About the Summit

Attendees at the 2017 will experience dynamics speakers and panels and diverse networking opportunities. The summit will feature leading business, voluntary organizations, and public safety officials who will present their firsthand observations from real-world disaster scenarios.

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The summit will focus on providing participants an opportunity to assess their preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities. Throughout the day, participants will focus on the significance of building strong partnerships across public, private, and nonprofit sectors in Maryland to strengthen community resilience.

Light Breakfast and Lu​nch ​will be Provided​​​ ​​​

Thursday, November 16, 2017
*Please note change in location*
Ten Oaks Ballroom and Conference Center
5000 Signal Bell Lane
Clarksville, MD 21029

Valuable Content from Top Speakers​

Private Sector Morning Breakout Session 
Safety Concerns that Affect Business Continuity


Liberty Day, Assistant Director of Training 

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)​

Frederick Ferrer

Frederick Ferrer, Branch Chief Critical 

Infrastructu​re Protection (CIP), Anti-Terrorism Division
Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center
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Cyrus Green

T. Rowe Price

Robin Remines​​ ​​

Robin Remines, Executive Director

​​​Mid-Atlantic First
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VOAD Morning Breakout Session  
Recovery Initiatives = Successes Outside the Box

Michelle Breeland

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region III

Jenny Gannaway

West Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster  (VOAD)


Lunch Keynote

Corporal Alvin Lide

 – Run, Hide, Fight: Active Shooter Preparedness

Private Sector Afternoon Breakout Session 
Back in Business: Lessons in Business Resilience


Lisa Crow, Senior Policy Analyst 

Center for Health and Homeland Security
James Ott

James Ott, Hospital Emergency Manager

MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
James Morentz

James Morentz, Executive Director​

Single Automated Business Exchange for Reporting, (SABER)​

Paul Striedl​

Paul Striedl, Business Continuity Manager ​ 

Retail Business Services, an Ahold Delhaize Company​

VOAD​ Afternoon Breakout Session
National VOAD - State VOAD - Community based organizations – Survivors

Corporal Alvin Lide

Greg Forrester, President and CEO  

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster


Afternoon Workshop
Think Big! Generating Ideas to Prepare for the Future

Donald Doc Lumpkins

Donald "Doc" Lumpkins  


Frequently Asked Questions​ (​FAQs)

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