Hazard Mitigation: eGRANTS Electronics Grant

FEMA has developed a web-based, electronic grants (eGrants) management system to allow States, Federally-recognized Indian Tribal governments, territories, and local governments to apply for and manage their mitigation grant application processes electronically.  The eGrants system is an intuitive, user-friendly system that follows the paper application requirements and processes.

FEMA Mitigation eGrants System

FEMA IS-30: Mitigation eGrants for Subgrant Applications (FEMA online tutorial)

The deadline for submission of Hazard Mitigation Assistance (includes Pre Disaster Mitigation, Flood Mitigation Assistance, Repetitive Flood Claim and Severe Repetitive Loss grants) applications for the FY 2010 funding cycle is October 2, 2009. Please review the 2010 guidance for information pertaining to grant application requirements, potential eligible types of projects, and ineligible project types.

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Guidance​​